Advisory Groups
Hits: 17098

Formation Details

In 2016, IFBLS invited and selected members to participate in the newly formed Advisory Group in Microbiology.  The main purpose of this group is to assist and advise the Board of Directors on issues pertaining to Medical Microbiology.


  1. Assist and advise the Board of Directors on issues pertaining to Medical Microbiology as required.
  2. Review of draft documents from WHO or IFBLS in Medical Microbiology.
  3. Review of draft documents from ISO/TC 212 or the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute for (CLSI) for IFBLS relating to Medical Microbiology.
  4. Bring relevant and urgent issues regarding Medical Microbiology to the attention of the Board of Directors.
  5. Propose and follow up other relevant actions and activities.
  6. Assist the editor of the International Journal of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IJBLS) when required.
Document reviews must be delivered on or before the deadline given.  All other reports for the Board of Directors will also have a deadline.
Terms of Reference for IFBLS Advisory Group in Microbiology