IFBLS Fellowship Award
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Exciting Announcement: Launch of IFBLS Fellowship Award

Following agreement at the meeting in Dublin the IFBLS Board of Directors is now delighted to announce the launch of the IFBLS Fellowship Award, an unprecedented initiative designed to recognize visionary leaders in the field across the globe.

The prestigious award is designed to provide meaningful recognition to those belonging to individual association members of IFBLS who have contributed significantly to Biomedical Laboratory Science (BLS) as administrators, educators, clinicians, or researchers. This award is designed to recognise and stimulate the striving for excellence within the field. Fellows of the International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists may use the credential FIFBLS.

Who is Eligible for Fellowship?

Candidates for Fellowship in IFBLS are required to have the following basic qualifications:

   a. Professional academic education and training for practice in home country

   b. Certification which is appropriate to the applicant's specialty practice

   c. A minimum of 15 years of professional experience in the field of biomedical laboratory science

   d. Record of ongoing contribution in the international arena through engagement and contribution to the work of IFBLS (e.g. attendance at GAD, World Congress, and webinars, or contributing to the IJBLS journal)

   e. In addition to the above requirements, candidates should demonstrate activity within one or several of the following areas of professional accomplishments:


Fellow nominations may be made by:

The inaugural Fellowships may be awarded to current or past board members or Chief Delegates who fulfil the criteria and are nominated as above.

Each submission should be made on the Nomination Form and accompanied by the supporting documentation for the submission criteria (resume or CV) and a letter of recommendation from the nominator attesting to the suitability of the candidate and their qualifications under the above categories.

The IFBLS Awards Committee has designated July 1st of each year as the final date for acceptance of these nominations.

IFBLS Fellowship Award Criteria
Nomination Form


For more information about the IFBLS Fellowship Award, please visit our website at