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IFBLS Statement on the
Role of the Biomedical Laboratory Scientist in the Delivery of Quality Healthcare

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists provide information used for healthcare decisions for patients.

The practice of Biomedical Laboratory Science provides information from screening and diagnostic analyses essential for prevention, diagnosis and management of disease and health conditions.

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists practice an autonomous profession, responsible for directing clinical diagnostic laboratories, educating future practitioners, conducting research and analyzing patient specimens submitted for testing.

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists use scientific evidence in the provision of screening and diagnostic information; specifically, how a laboratory analytic procedure is selected, used and applied in clinical decisions for screening and diagnostic purposes.   

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists are experts in the provision of screening and diagnostic analyses essential for prevention, diagnosis and management of disease and other health conditions. 

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists ensure patient safety and quality of laboratory test information.1 

Specific standards are required for educational institutions that prepare individuals to practice Biomedical Laboratory Science and qualifications to become certified or licensed as a Biomedical Laboratory Scientist.2 

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists are the appropriate professionals to provide diagnostic, screening and other analytical information because of their education and training in quality systems, quality control, and quality improvement.  Biomedical Laboratory Scientists have a specific expertise that is developed during education and clinical internship/experience. 

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists are integral members of the healthcare team

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists’ scope of practice is distinct from that of other healthcare professionals.  As such, it is the responsibility of Biomedical Laboratory Scientists to share their expertise with other healthcare professionals through consultation, collaboration and participation on the healthcare team.

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists educate healthcare professionals and patients on the specific methods of analyses, the purpose of analyses, appropriate specimen collection, appropriate analysis selection and interpretation of analyses.  

Effective development of analytical methods, appropriate use of biomedical laboratory analyses and efficient delivery of laboratory analytic information requires collaboration with other healthcare professionals.

Biomedical laboratory scientists collaborate with other healthcare professionals:

Biomedical Laboratory Scientist are stewards of patient safety with respect to laboratory test information1

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists practice in a manner to ensure information derived from analyzing human specimens is safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient and equitable. 

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists promote a culture of patient safety with systems and practices that reduce harm to patients.

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists focus on the diagnostic process by:       


Biomedical Laboratory Scientists are integral public health team members vital to improve the health of the world population.

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists collaborate with the World Health Organization and other public health entities to improve the health of humans. 

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists and the practice of Biomedical Laboratory Science are essential components of strong health care systems and crucial to improving public health.

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists and the practice of Biomedical Laboratory Science are integral to responding to worldwide public health emergencies by developing and implementing appropriate analytical methods to identify emerging pathogens.  

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists practice their profession using available sustainable methods.

Biomedical Laboratory Scientists share specific laboratory data and information to appropriate public health organizations such as that

  1. IFBLS. IFBLS Position Paper on Patient Safety access at:
  2. IFBLS. IFBLS Core Competence access at:  


View the IFBLS Statement on the Role of the Biomedical Laboratory Scientist in the Delivery of Quality Healthcare (2022)